Monday, January 6, 2014

Public Transportation: The Tuk Tuk

My 3 year old Will is a BIG fan of the Tuk Tuk (took took... the "oo" is like boo).  He asks to ride it all the time!  He likes it better than the metro and the sky train.  Do see how small the Tuk Tuk is?  Well they drive like a crazy person, but I guess everyone drives aggressively out here. I was terrified for my life, but the boys were loving every minute!

Based on our experience... 1 days worth with 2 rides with 2 different drivers, so I guess not much experience...  both times they asked us how much we wanted to pay them. I personally think (because they are businessmen trying to make a living) they are trying to use your inexperience with how much a Baht is really worth in their favor.  Plus they like to haggle (definition: to dispute or bargain persistently).  So I would start off with saying 50 baht.  If they say its not enough them ask them how much.  They may say 300 baht.  You say 200 baht then they might say 250 baht which then you would probably come to an agreement.  But that price would be for far destinations, 50 baht should get you anywhere close by.  

Beckham loving the ride and the wind in his face. ☺
Our first driver, he was a nice guy.

 Instead of taking us straight to where we needed to go, he went on a detour.  He took us by this University which looked pretty cool.  This is where he stopped and took our picture riding the Tuk Tuk "to show your family" he said. ☺

 He also explained that he gets commission if he took us to a store.  It turned out to be a custom tailored suit shop.  Since a custom tailored suit was Jason's Christmas present, he got fitted.  And within 10 min, he had been fitted and payed for 1 suit and 3 shirts!  So just be aware if you ride a Tuk Tuk, there is a 95% chance they will take you to this store. 
Look how much taller Jason is than the tailor!

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