Monday, January 20, 2014

Sasin MBA - Class Schedule

Back home at UNC Kenan-Flagler each school year is divided into four mods -- essentially half semesters -- so I'm used to short terms. Here at Sasin it's even more condensed though: about a month long.  This means that instead of 3-5 courses students will generally be enrolled in only 2 courses at a time.  To fit a full MBA course into such a short amount of time you either need to meet twice as oftern, or twice as long.  Some classes meet for 90 minutes Monday thorugh Friday while other classes meet for three hours twice a week.

I ended up taking a course on Competitive Economics and one on Analytical Decision Making; both courses are taught by visiting professors that come to Thailand every year to teach their one course.  With this schedule I'm in class 9:00 to 12:00 Monday thorugh Friday which works out great for me with my family.  Even though it takes me 45 mintues or so to commute to and from Sasin, I still get back home with plenty of time to go out somewhere at night with my family.

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